Wall Hanging/Door Signs/Gift-Sayings and Samples of Tops for smaller books are fun because you can make them anything you want! Tell someone how special they are by saying something you have always wanted to say and jus never could. How about "I love you" or "Amanda's room, keep out!" or just about anything. Give gifts to cheerleaders or drill team groups. Give them each a wall/door sign for their doors at camp. Also shown on this picture are various samples for the tops of the smaller photo albums, i.e., "Baby's First Christmas", "I love to cheer!", Grad cap with school initials, name of grad, class of, etc. So very many things you can do with these wonderful and unique, one-of-a-kind gifts! Cross-stitched personalized key chains make great gifts for the new driver in the family. They are also wonderful for sports, with the school and sport on one side and the name of the student on the other. How about "soccer mom", or one for each of the team, be they cheerleaders, drill team, soccer, basketball, etc.

Wall Hanging/Door Sign

Small - 191907a - $25.00

Medium - 191907b - $35.00

Large - 191907c - $45.00


Personalized Cross-Stitch Key Chain - 191907d - $25.00



Every Item is
Customized by Hand

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